December 1, 2008

Advice: Blog

It is actually pretty bizarre how similar me and my brother are, and not surprisingly, he came out to be a wannabe journalist/writer just as I did. Funny how neither of my parents have any interest in writing. My dad could be the worst speller on the face of the earth. My mom has the most annoying habit of pronouncing most words incorrectly. I love them dearly though.

My brother is a freshman at Marquette in journalism. He is all about wanting to be a sports writer and so he went to his advisor, who apparently was a journalist and author, and asked him what, if anything, he could be doing to help him.

The advisor responded, "Blog."

I thought that was quite odd, especially after all the talk we have had about whether blogging is even journalism or not. Who is going to read his blog? Who is going to find it? Is anyone that will be of any help to his career going to be sitting on

Regardless, my brother sits up on the computer blogging about his sports thoughts. And he has many. I think the title of his blog is "Windy Schmidty Sports." Oh my clever brother.

I guess the point is that blogging helps you practice writng. It helps you make your writing interesting to other people. It helps you get interested in what to blog about. Perhaps I should have been more into my blogging after all.


Clair said...

Maybe we've all been doing too little with our class blogs. Who knows, future employers could have been reading them the whole time. I actually think that's what makes me so uncomfortable about the internet.

Nicole said...

That is really interesting that your brother's adviser said to blog to further his career prospects. I do find that surprising, but I also feel like that is an answer I shouldn't be surprised by. Blogging is really new and what you put on the internet is already published so an employer reading your blog may have likes or dismays. There are always pros and cons to things that are new.