I came across a quite interesting word - better yet a concept - while browsing CNN.com earlier today. It looks like this: "femball." No, it has nothing to with "fembot", the popular coined term from the Austin Powers movies, despite what appears to be similar roots (if "fem" can be called a root). It is neither a hip new college phrase nor is it a recently popular game that became the newest craze (ie Ultimate Frisbee?). No, this unknown word was coined because of the Republican ticket comprised of McCain and Palin. Apparently what these two are doing nowadays is playing this unknown "femball." Discussed by Ronnee Schreiber on CNN.com and initially introduced by Anita Blair, "femball" is talking about conservative issues from the perspective of women and having them then make political claims. Doesn't sound like much of fun game to me, but for McCain and Palin, playing this ball just might work in their favor in order to receive more of the women vote in this year's election.
I read this entire article in search of the term femball, which doesn't appear until about the middle of the article. The headline on the homepage of CNN.com uses this term well in that readers, or at least someone like me who is interested in games and odd words, will be intrigued to read further. In my opinion is was a good headline that captured my attention and propelled me to read the article. Everything a headline is meant for. Well done I say, well done.
16 years ago
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